Thursday, March 24, 2011

worst sonnet ever

When i have to stop and think about the
Passing traffic; Clocks slow because i
feel at ease in your innocent presence.
Glaring through my hair at paint that's now dry
on the surface, stained upon your skin.
Isn't it funny when you try to wash it
off but all it does is stick? It sinks in
quite well, doesn't it? After a while you wash it
off. Only now you find it surprising that
something you have grown so use to is gone.
Should you not feel happy and relieved? What
you once wanted no longer feels right. Gone
is the color that brightened up the day.
Changes made as things delay. I cant stay.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I cant tell you how many times
i get reminded about my appearance
while walking down Hollywood blvd.
Today is the second day we had nice weather
in more then three months.

The purpose of my large straw hat is
to conceal my skin from the harsh sun.
Its job was to shield me from the world
yet i can still hear the cat calls
still i avoid eye contact with
strangers passing by.
I know they're admiring me,
but i don't feel flattered.

They say that beauty's only skin deep
and though i don't know who "they" are
i hope they're right.
I want people to look at me and see
the ugly and crude and rude.
i want to be so naive that i forget
the naked eye cant see past the exterior.

I doubt people look at me and instantly know
that i steal.
My first impression doesn't scream
chain smoker
pot head
selfish or bitch
but something much more surreal.

I long for simplicity
I want to be innocently admired
but here i am no longer a child.
now i have to decide if i want to take advantage
of this curse


Los Angeles public transportation
makes me cringe.
I hate it more then anything.
and although i make various trips on the bus
through out the week
i never find the experience pleasant.
Here am the day before i turn
seventeen and i already feel my
youthful curiosity fading.

Theres a little girl sitting in front of me
shes about four or five.
i can see her looking at anything and everything.
wide eyed and soaking her surroundings in.
she looks excited and not a moment passes
where shes not looking at something.

"What was that!" she screamed
when the bus came to an abrupt stop.
I wish simple things still entertained me
fascinated me and captivated me,
but tomorrow i turn seventeen
and i just reached my stop.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fig Tree

I glanced at the starless sky
while walking one cold night
and thought of you.

I walked in silence till i came across a tree
which was splitting in half.
I thought about us.

i found it curious that someone had tied it together
in an effort to keep the fig tree together.
I thought about the person who did this.

Who did they think they were choosing the fate
of the two sides? What if it didnt want to be one.
I thought about life.

How could someone, an anonymous
person, force that which doesnt want to be brought together?

i took a drag of my cigarette and glanced at the fig tree one last time
before i continued my walk home.
As i approached my house i made a promise to my self.

I would never talk to you again.
The phone rang and I broke the promise i had just made.
I thought about that damn tree.